前额头发长了一撮白发。。。放工后 就到印度店买了黑发染发剂。回家时非常勤奋就把粉末搅拌好,一手沾上白发处。心想不就很简单吗。怪自喜的。
看着还有剩下一大部分的燃料没用完, 就得很浪费, 就把一大撮泼在眉毛上,像两条大毛毛虫。很可爱嘛。
但是果然事情发展的太顺利了。。。 当我在清理时才发现我这只大蠢猪竟然忘了带手套, 双手这时已经被染料熏得黑了,怎么洗也洗不掉。哇!!! 还有我的眉毛呢??!!! 慌手慌脚把水猛泼脸。。。 擦呀擦呀。。。 呜呜呜。。。
此刻在想,明天要请假吗?一双黑手也就算了。。。 但是。。 。 这张蜡笔小新的脸。。。
很久没留言了。渐渐的,对很多事物都失去了兴趣。日子还是每一天一天的过,只是。。。少了些什么的。。 。完全没劲。
不想这样。不想花二十分钟读一页小说,然后再把书丢一边。不想进戏院看一部戏时, 不能专注,老恍神。不想旅行时,还闷闷不乐。不想说话开始时兴致勃勃,接着就不想说了。
韩国。。。去了一趟。开始完全是因为妈妈想去,也没想太多。。。 然后在那走着,看着,竟回想起迷上韩剧的日子。啊啊啊。。。尤其是爬 Hallasan 时狼狈不堪, 迷失在一片大雾中,竟想起金三顺。。。她也是边破口大骂边拖着笨重的身子爬上来的。。。 分别只是。。。 她有三石帅哥在朦胧大雾中等着她呀。。。 *噗。。。不爽*
虽然这趟旅行让我身心交瘁(具体理由就不说了),但是让我从新体验回在另一个国度旅行的美好, 听着完全不懂的语言,看着完全陌生的文字,吃着异国的味道,闻着是乎不一样的空气。。。拥有着阳光的一天,毫无目的的闲逛,用眼睛记下身边的事物,用心体会每一份感觉。。。 看似简单,却是奢侈的幸福。
the week was brutal. i was tired and frustrated from work. i booked the wrong flight for my friend. i nearly ran my dear car onto a roundabout. i also offered a lift home for two strangers whose car broke down by the traffic light... at one thirty... in the morning.
i could have been dead. but i am not. so i am grateful. grateful and tired.
and in the midst of all... i turned the big 31. i feel alright. maybe too exhausted to feel anything actually. but i am actually oh so lucky. and i am smiling this time.
A picture is worth a thousand words. or... you're just too lazy to write. :)
not much of an avid photographer myself... and even worse when it comes to uploading and sharing. but i made an effort here... didn't i? hahahha... you can tell that 80 percent of the pictures are taken deliberately just to be showcased here.
but in all vanity and conceitedness... the week has been good to me. although there will be storms ahead... we shall have to brave ourselves and not be overwhelmed by it... we'll try, at least. :)
tonight is the night... where all dogs sleep, children dream, and i stay awake. it's a shame, i could use some of this clarity during the day. but now i spent my best hours staring into a monitor, splurging on retail therapy online.
i will feel very bad after this i am sure of it, but i just couldn't refrain myself. sometimes when things are going bad, i dig deeper down. ah well... enough of whining and self pitying. tonight i am letting loose.
isn't it crazy we're approaching the middle of year 2014? it seems just like yesterday when i complained about 2014 creeping up on us. some people may have gone through a whole lot, some may even have life changing experiences... i did not. but it's all good. these days i can't take changes or "surprises" very well. but i hope i do work on some bits and pieces before the year ends... now i just have to work up some willpower. easier said then done.
and maybe start writing something more substantial. all these random ramblings are not exactly positive... oh don't you just hate this word? positive? :)
i am not counting down to anything, and i need to start.... "looking forward" to something now. to a person who is not naturally enthusiastic, this will be a constant effort. a note to myself... "try to enjoy the journey now darling."
it's undeniable. i'm addicted. to Chatime... amongst all vices. *sigh* my head starts to swirl if i haven't had it for more than 2 days. even on weekends, when i'm having more than enough sleep and distance away from work, my mood starts to sink after having breakfast/lunch and started craving for it... so badly that i can't concentrate and blames my mood swings and laziness on not having my fix.
but it does work. i become more emotionally stable after having my first sip. oh gawd... even the thought and decision to give in puts me in a better state of mind.
but... i will not deny myself of this little pleasure now. we all know there are worse things to be addicted to. so what if i've had my milk tea fix almost everyday this week? hahahaha.... everyone grows out of it right? right?
made them dance as well. kids... they are adorable... until they start to speak.
I created this blog for them a few years back. thought it would be a cool idea for them to start recording and sharing their thoughts... proud-aunt-syndrome :) the elder sister wrote three posts (under supervision and perhaps.. pressure) and then swiftly move on to abandon the blog completely.
lately the younger sister found out about this much celebrated blog and wanted to have her own blog instead. i have persuaded her to write something here because i am lazy to set up another blog just to have her abandon it as well after three posts. the Ling family seems to have this hangat-hangat tahi ayam urge.
hence... this shameless plug. please do leave some comments whenever and if ever they do write something half comprehensible. :) here you go.... pink princess(es)

I went on a family trip down under for the turn of the year. Australia. It was the first "BIG" foreign country that i remembered when i was a kid just because we have relatives from there. it took 30 years for me... to finally visit this country that i so desperately wanted to go when i was ten. but as the time passes, a lot of excitements are lost and imaginations faded, and i have no expectations nor special feelings this time around. it has reduced to a certain filial duty family trip and just-another-place to be for the new year countdown. and we all know how miserable it has become to spend the much overrated day at home. at least how miserable i made it to be for my own.
the eleven days were very much filled with drama. a trip with family started out being cordial and polite, then someone said something and someone disagrees and someone starting yelling. to my surprise, hostility started firing on the second day afternoon. that is indeed record breaking. 48 hours... is the limit that we can be nice to each other now while travelling.
among the shoutings and absolute indifference... i manage to do a few things that i insist on doing much to my family's horror. my favourites were the surf lesson off ocean grove, watching "philomena" in an art house cinema that oddly still practices free seating plan, walking among the city and gardens aimlessly... well... arrgghh... and there are also other less favourite moments when i got lost in some dodgy streets with my mom breathing down my neck, having to queue for every cable car rail car tram car visiting scenic world, having stuck in human jam and have to walk across the harbour bridge to get to another train station on new year....
but all in all... australia is just beautiful. i am in love with the beach at Apollo bay. if you love nature at all... you will love australia. just remember to bring a shaded sunglasses next time. i nearly fell blind from the piercing brightness there.
i didn't take much pictures and all these are from my new iphone camera. these capture the moments that i hope i shall remember for some time. i have to say all these photos are from Melbourne and the beaches off the great ocean road except for the sydney opera house and the contemporary art museum.
i have deliberately left out some details, monologues, frustrations, realization throughout this trip just because i am lazy. :) but then, i have to say the beaches off st kilda is an absolute Thor-fest and fly-fest. while i was going gaga over clean shaven half naked six packs, i actually caught a fly in my mouth. beautiful bodies and flies... they are in-your-face... just make sure you go there during the summer. :)