picture post

12/29/2011 09:55:00 PM / Posted by Meanniee / comments (1)

the laptop is sent to the workshop for check ups. i am pretty sure the fan is failing and maybe the harddisk as well. uurgh, life is even more disoriented without my lappie. reminds me of a post from K that a taiwanese married herself to her laptop.

didn't really have much to say except that year 2011 is ending and there's a wedding to attend on the second day of 2012. a good start? maybe not. lately i have been contemplating to sell off the dslr camera. i don't feel excited bringing it out for field trips due to it's huge baggage. and mainly because i have not been practising with the manual settings to capture any decent pictures. relying on auto settings is not attractive when the camera weights a ton. and the more i realise the limitation of a starter kit lens and its built in flash, the more i am put off to actually use it. i could be so jaded sometimes i don't have a clue what i am doing.

so back to the present, i just revisited some long forgotten pictures i took while vacationing with fei and theen. if i remember correctly, it was only 3 months after i bought the dslr and i was excited to bring it to the beach. and it was also during this trip i realise what a big commitment it is to take care of the dslr during stormy boat rides and how much pain it is to play with manual settings against cloudy weather.

but what a surprise, the pictures turn out much better than i remembered them. they weren't bad at all. :P okay some weren't bad at all. :)

so new year resolution. keep the camera. and try to capture something with it. it sure didn't fail me. it is just I who quit on the camera. let's see how many moments i can capture with it next year. :)

hot chicks alert!!! baby mama on the left already lost her figure last month to squirt out a baby boy. mrs on the right will probably lose hers next year.

a wide DOF (depth of field) with fairly sharp focus throughout the landscape.

nice portrait shot with shallow DOF (in this case fairly sharp focus on the subject but a blurred background.)

don't try to reason why we do the things we do. :) this is a low exposure shot. could've easily turn up the brightness with photoshop but the pirated software crashed.

the girls

12/23/2011 01:39:00 AM / Posted by Meanniee / comments (0)

lately i have been sharing the same space with them for-e-ver. i believe this was taken more than 3 years ago. but of course, now they still kick my butt...


12/19/2011 01:38:00 AM / Posted by Meanniee / comments (3)


上个礼拜像是待在家里太长时间了,所以周末约了旧同事出去。搞到晚上再回加影和老朋友喝茶。嗯,“老朋友”。不就是中学同学。看长辈称他们的旧同学为“老朋友”,我看这是合适的了。虽然大家年龄才不到三十,但互相认识有些超过十年了,如果明天不幸人间消失,他们就是那些来会来参加你丧礼的人。合适,合适。。。 是叫“老朋友”的了。


就说我们其中一位“老朋友”现在 missing in action。 不再参与聚会了。本来可以就这样算了,但是人本来就喜欢讨论各式话题,当聚集一块儿,就可热闹了。当然如果不是讨论到我的个人沦陷,我也就很乐意地在旁听,不时问个无关痛痒的问题,做个鬼脸,放空,看电视。。。





我觉得幸庆,至少现在,我有开心时,不开心时,绝望时,想发牢骚时,我想说出来,会有人,genuinely listen, non-judgemental, just to be there, then forget about it, just like how i wanted it to be。虽不知未来是怎样,物是人非,我现在,是有朋友的。不会绝交就没有朋友的。原来deep down,我会怕是那个被拿出来讨论的啊。




所以,就这样。after这尴尬的局面,我们换到另一家mamak去喝茶了。我不晓得我的脸还有没有那么臭,但是我们是没再讨论这话题了。我们又继续哈啦了许久。不晓得如何开始,哈啦到eurotrip 和投资种种。明年将会有另两位“老朋友”在欧洲工作。虽然开始是我心底想去找朋友,但是话题打开了,就几位“老朋友”同意挪出各两千给其中一位精于投资的“老朋友”,作为eurotrip的基金。日期定为2013年。这一讨论来,就在mamak待到近两点半凌晨。


虽然2013年不是以后,但是我们也不是小朋友了,生活有太多太多的变化,这不是一笔小数目,也不是三天两夜旅游。两年后,我们还是朋友吗?我们真得那么想和“老朋友”一起去backpack吗?我可能不会enjoy 哦。哈哈。

但是这是一个难得可贵的想法。老实说,如果真的2013年到了,有“老朋友”实现这想法,就太好了。 成吗? :)

new year resolutions

12/18/2011 07:57:00 PM / Posted by Meanniee / comments (1)

this is from jean. it made me chuckle.

12/11/2011 02:09:00 PM / Posted by Meanniee / comments (0)

Now these years locked on my drawer
I'll open to see just to be sure

I can't sleep
I can't speak to you
I can't sleep

sleepless nights

12/09/2011 11:22:00 PM / Posted by Meanniee / comments (2)

before this turn into my outlet of misery. i have to stop. and yes. i can't sleep. during the nights. and it's turning into a vicious cycle. i zombie-ed through the day. and i bore myself.

too many thoughts. mostly rubbish. and it's time to clean up. put a simple task in front, and execute it. start from zero. like a baby. you can do it. you must.

so. i guess now i have a new resolution every weekend, will tell myself to have a good rest before i start every monday. turns tuesday and i am no where near the start. then wednesday i spend half the day dozing off and another half making excuses why i couldn't execute the plan. Thursday i mope about and starting to moan the weekdays lost (totally insane). Friday i make a new resolution again.

this is so NOT going to happen again! i will NOT allow it! i will be efficient from now on. no more moping about. and no more useless browsing and online window-shopping that are oh-so-addictive. no more! no more!

so before i try to get some sleep before midnight, i have to flush this out of my system. had an idea to get a cheongsam for this coming CNY. and fell in love with this cheongsam on etsy. too bad it's too small on me. i will not be obsessed and lose sleep over this again. bye bye luv! goodnight!

rainy days

12/04/2011 09:39:00 PM / Posted by Meanniee / comments (0)

Kajang town was flooded last friday. it was kinda hilarious to me. mainly because i was not affected. sorry. i laugh at the most insensitive points now.

and my laptop's dying. so. i can't be that happy anyways.

bumped into a long-lost-used-to-be-close secondary mate in the Mines on saturday. stood at the entrance of a clothing store, standing, catching-up. not much on my side. his wedding dinner would be held next year. trying to be funny i said i might not be attending. might be busy. more like mentally absent.

random stuffs. mom bought loads of durian. was eating them constantly until i have dysentery. eh-no-la. drama.

and also. this song is quite nice. something to look forward to picking up the guitar.


12/01/2011 09:30:00 PM / Posted by Meanniee / comments (1)

the last month of a year. has anyone done a quick summary of 2011? has anyone started to feel... old yet?

December used to be my favourite month. school holidays. Christmas. then new year. the month of anticipation. used to go out of the way to celebrate the first day of the new year. took buses to the city centre. squashed among thousands to catch the fireworks. then marched with the crowd along the filthy streets. taking in all of it. the atmosphere.

are you the same person back when you were... 10 years ago? i am not sure myself. i think i am. deep down the core. i am still the proud, shy, cowardice and lazy girl. By the way, just the other day when i accompany the girls for their swimming lesson, two primary school kids were calling me "auntie". well. it's adequate. but it felt really weird transitioning into this phase. but it wasn't as awkward now.

this week has been fairly horrible. i have been following china series on youtube for the whole week. and time passes like no-other-people's-business when you are absorbed in the drama, of course i am now officially the useless jerk at home not helping with house chores. i stayed up late and woke up even later. and i think i smell something rotten in the air...

also.... on wednesday, i told the Nepalese grass-cutter to come today cause no one's at home and i was still in a sleeping-state. and he came this morning and i told him to come next week again cause there's just me in the house and i wasn't in the mood. then mom came back 5 minutes later and saw him stopped by a police car at the street junction just outside my house. i guess he's in trouble now as i don't think he has a legitimate work permit. and of course, i felt like the b-i-t-c-h.

uurrgghh.... this guilt. it will pass. like everything else. a string of actions that resulted in a string of consequences. i hope this week ends soon. and i hope to see the grass-cutter back next week. no grudges. fingers crossed.