brought along mom to watch immortals just now. she is my movie mate now. she has the ability to talk, squeal, complain while picking her teeth during a movie.
so... 10 minutes into the movie, henry cavill or rather "Theseus" sprint out from a corner to rescue his mom. naked. half naked. my jaw dropped. then i reach out to grab more popcorns, and i felt my mom's hand paused in the popcorn cup. she p.a.u.s.e.d. like all the blood has drained from her fingers back to her... ahem* heart. and all motion is suspended.

then after a few seconds, she came to her senses and retrieve her hand from the popcorn cup. i was grinning from my left temple to my right. even if she doesn't understand what's the movie about, i am sure she will enjoy the visual stimulations.
arggh.... nothing a sweaty six pack and a stupendous good looks couldn't do to put a smile on a lady now.
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